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a project

Happy Labor Day all. I know that I've been away for a while, so I'm bringing a peace offering latest project!

As you probably know, I'm an avid scrapbooker. I read some scrapbooking magazines and they're always suggesting that we look for creative inspiration in the everyday world around us. Now, I'm not the most creative person...I can modify a project with the best of them, but I rarely think of something cool on my own. But when I saw these stickers that Emerson got for her birthday, I knew that I wanted to do a family photo shoot just like them.

So, we waited for a sunny day, turned off the flash (I SWEAR that it's the best way to take pictures!!), and had a fun photo shoot. By the way, Pete was done in one take. He's such a ham!

Here's the final product (before I got it up on the wall) It's in a black square record album frame from Hobby Lobby. I LOVE it!

1 comment:

Adri said...

Damn you're good! Love it.

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