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5 o'clock box?

So, you know all the things I've said about Pete sleeping like a dream and Emerson loving preschool?

Scratch that.

Pete has seemingly forgotten how to nap and how to sleep through the night. Don't know what is up with that, but seriously, let's get back to it, K Bug?

And Emerson, who lulled me into a false sense of security with 3 perfect drop-offs for the first 3 days at school, has since turned into "that kid." You know, the one whose teachers have to physicaly pull her off the Mama. Awesome.

With naps coming at a premium, and lots of testing and pushing the limits going on, the "witching hour" comes early and stays late around here. All 3 of us have short fuses come 4:00 or so, and there's a loooooong few hours there before Papa comes home. Add into that the fact that I need to make dinner at some point, and we hit full tilt meltdown mode.

My solution? The "5:00 box." A genius of a ditty if I do say so myself. A treasure trove filled with entertaining, engaging, independent activities that Emerson can do at the kitchen table while I'm cooking or whatever. And, to build excitement about said box, it can ONLY come out when the first number on the clock is "5."

Pretty clever, huh? For once, I thought of a good idea all by myself. Well, sort of. See, I have this grand plan for the 5:00 box, but I have absolutely NO IDEA what to put in it!!! So, I'm BEGGING you...what are the best independent, inexpensive tried-and-true activities for your preschoolers?

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Independent preschool activities? EEK! Not many I can think least that don't make an enormous mess on the table that you are going to serve dinner on shortly thereafter. How about those foam stickers that you pull the back off to stick? Or any sticker books? special crayons? markers? glue? scissors? It's a great idea - but my kids aren't crafty, so I don't know if they would go for it. play dough? Good luck! Let me know what you think of.

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