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musings from the day

We had your average day today, but there were a few times when I wished that I had my "helmet cam" on to record what I was seeing and hearing. For instance,

* E checking out a scratch on P's forehead this morning, and exclaiming "Pete, your head is cracked!"

* how can 1 uncut, ripe melon stink up an entire house by just sitting on the counter?

* holding Pete for any length of time is like going're going to get hit somewhere, and you'll probably need a change of clothes. Or couches, as the case may be.

and on a related note...

* in a pinch, baby formula will work in place of hairspray. It definitely falls into the "maximum hold" category, although the fragrance is less than desirable.

* I now text my mom more frequently than I email her. Strange.

*Hot chocolate in the middle of July is HILARIOUS to an almost 3 year-old. She was intently stirring it and not saying much and then burst into a fit of giggles. When I asked what was so funny, she scrunched up her face and wailed "Hot chocolate in the summer??!!?!?" See, Papa. Mama CAN be silly somtimes.

* Emerson said (and I'm typing this verbatum) to her Grandpa tonight, "Grandpa, I know you're sleeping over at our house, but why won't you be there in the morning when we get up?" Jeff, Grandpa, and I were all speechless at that one.Not just the linguistics, but the reasoning behind it. Sheesh. At her 3 year check-up, the doctor asked me if she's putting together 3-word sentences. Um, yeah. We've got that covered.

So, that's a peek into the average day for this stay-at-home Mama. Wouldn't trade it for a thing.

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