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this one is for adri

You know what happens when the boys eat blueberries? Well, the same thing happens when Emerson eats Kiwi. And yet, I continue to feed it to her, oh, 3 times a week. It's one of only a handful of green things that she'll eat these days. That, and peas. I'm open to other suggestions...

1 comment:

Adriana Plocinski said...

Oh crap! (pun intended) And here I thought your dedicated post would pay tribute to something magnificent or heartwarming...and it deals with poop. :0)

We've made some progress with the blueberries. There is still a reaction, but it isn't quite so tremendous. Funny that we subject ourselves to these messy diapers all for the sake of nutrition!

I've noticed my guys' tastebuds are changing all the time. Lately they've taken a hiatus from green beans. WHAT?!?

Have you tried avocados? Zuchini? Sliced cucumbers are the big hit right now, as well as carrots and bell peppers...all raw. They really like the red ones (vs. the green), which is great because they have more vitamin C than any other veggie!

I'm starting to consider taking baby food and mixing it in with mac-n-cheese! If all else fails, start her on a gummy nutri-vitamin. I just started this with my guys. They love them!

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