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a jolt

I heard some sad news today, and it's been sitting heavy in my mind all day. The 32 year-old wife of a college acquaintance died suddenly of a blood clot yesterday. Just like that...gone. How can someone be posting on Twitter and Facebook on Friday and be gone on Sunday? It's hard to get your brain around.

Every once in a while, God sends little reminders that...
1. we are NOT in charge
2. life is so precious
3. live each day with love in your heart and make each moment count

I know this post is cliche laden, so forgive me. But it's a good reminder when your 21 month-old is being a PIA. I'm sure Jaime's parents and husband would love to have a good old-fashioned fight with their little girl right now just to have her back with them.

Go hug your people, K? And make it a good day.

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