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the BEST morning

Ever since I heard the words "it's a girl," there have been certain images that I've had stuck in my head and experiences that I've been looking forward to doing. One of those is baking with my daughter and my mom. Now, before you get upset that I'm being gender-biased, I'll say that I'm SURE I would bake with my son if I had one, but there's something about us girls being in the kitchen together that is special. And today, for the first time, the three of us baked a cake. Not just any old cake, mind you. We made our traditional Easter lamb cake.
I was a bit unsure how long Emerson's attention span would be. But early on in the process, we let her have a bowl of flour and some spoons, and she was hooked. {You'll notice that we were at Grammy's house...Mama probably wouldn't have been so generous with the flour!} We were all able to do our parts and we each had a wonderful time too.

Measuring the flour

Em added the eggs to the batter. PLOP!

Grammy got the lamb mold ready for the batter.

Herself was WAY into the flour, both literally and figuratively.

A bit of clean-up to do! She had about a 1/2 cup of flour in the cuffs of her jeans!

Helping Grammy fill the mold.

Very carefully removing the cake from the mold after baking.

After tasting the crumbs, Emerson declared it to be "Mmmmm...YUMMY!!"
After the rough times we've had around here lately, it was WONDERFUL to have such a perfect morning. May this be the first of many hours spent with my 2 favorite girls in the kitchen!

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