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back to reality

I commented to Jeff today that with Christmas Eve and New Year's being in the middle of the week, he's been off for the better part of 2 weeks. I think he's gone into work 3 times in the last two weeks. Nice! But tomorrow, we're back to reality. No more sleeping in (if you count 7:00 as sleeping in!), staying in our jammies until naptime, and generally bumming around. I guess if we were able to do that all the time, it wouldn't be that special. Oh, and we'd be big time slackers!

Sad as I am to stop the non-stop revelry that has been our life of late, I am a creature of habit. I've missed our weekly routine of grocery shopping, playgroup, Gymboree, Tot Rock class, and all of the other mundane stuff that fills our days. So here's to January 5th, the first day of the rest of the year!

(This is all easy for me to write as I'm off to Disney World sans the hubby and kiddo on's easy for me to cope with reality for three whole days before I take a vacation!)

I have a few pictures for Project 365 for your viewing pleasure.

1.2~ I got some time after the kiddo was in bed to scrap the other night. Here's my first LO of the year. The pictures are from April, but at least it's done!
1.3~ We were feeling cooped up, so we headed to the Y for some fun. Jeff and Emerson chased a ball around the racquetball court...she LOVED it! I snapped some pics from the observation deck up above the court. Her shirt (from Uncle Craig) says "Sport Diva in Training," and he got her some superfly Nike kicks too! (They're sure to have their own photo soon!)
1.4~ Herself LOVES to brush her teeth. (Not the worst habit, right?) She'd probably carry her toothbrush around all day if we let her. Don't gets frequent baths in the sterilizer!

Make it a good week~


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